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Learn how bars and restaurants can protect employees, customers, and their community from COVID-19 infection risk. As restaurants and bars decide to open, consider these tips to protectemployees, customers, and communities and slow the spread of COVID-19.Urge employees to stay home if they feel unwell. Require employees to frequently wash their hands, especially before,during, and after preparing food and after touching garbage.Wash hands with soap...
How can Training Videos help my company train its employees efficiently and help the bottom line?
- In the fast-changing world of high tech, industry, and business in general, training is an on-going need for any organization. Even though you hire competent and experienced employees, they still need good training to learn about your company’s specific products and services, and how they work. Training Videos can be watched via e-mail, text, Web, or on individual work stations in 2-3 minute modules, small manageable bites that are easy for the viewer to consume. Keeping your employees up-to-date lets them work efficiently and be a knowledgable service to your customers.
Why do most companies negelect training?
80% of learning and development professionals admit that developing new and existing hires should be a priority for the executive team. But due to limited budgets and small teams, it becomes a challenge to most learning and development professionals.
How can we improve the effectiveness of employee training?
HR professionals can justify training budget when they can show that employees retain the knowledge and skills that they have learned. A recent Savo group study shows that 7 days after a training session, the average employee will forget 65 percent of the material learned. That number increases to 90 percent of the material forgotten after 6 months.
The data shows that training presentations that include video are 9 percent more effective than text alone when comprehension is tested right after the training. Comprehension increases by 83 percent when the testing is conducted later. This means that video increases employee's ability to retain information over a longer period of time.
How can we reduce the cost of employee training?
For businesses with several locations or with many employees spread out a large geographic area travel and lodging can be a large part of training expenses. IBM discovered that travel and lodging costs made up 40 percent of their total event cost for training. IBM saved $579 million over a two-year period by shifting just 50 percent of their training to e-learning.
Video training can also reduce the cost of training with live online conferences. Gartner Research recommends that video provides cost and time savings in reusing content, compared to running the same live conferencing session multiple times.
When video training increases knowledge retention rates it can also increase compliance with regulations and reduce legal risks caused by employee mistakes.
How can we increase employee compliance with required training?
Video-based training can also make it easier for employees to comply with training requirements. On-site training may be missed when employees have a schedule conflict. When video training is available online, employees can use the training when it suits their schedule best. They can even use the online training videos from remote locations or from their home.