Learn how bars and restaurants can protect employees, customers, and their community from COVID-19 infection risk.
As restaurants and bars decide to open, consider these tips to protect
employees, customers, and communities and slow the spread of COVID-19.
Urge employees to stay home if they feel unwell.
Require employees to frequently wash their hands, especially before,
during, and after preparing food and after touching garbage.
Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Have employees wear masks, if feasible.
Have enough supplies to support healthy hygiene
including soap, hand sanitizer, paper towels
disinfectant wipes, masks, and no-touch trash cans.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces,
like door handles, phones, cash registers,
bathrooms, chairs, tables, and countertops.
Use disposable food service items to limit sharing
of items, like menus, utensils, and condiments.
Use touchless payment options to avoid direct
hand-to-hand contact between customers and employees.
Encourage customers to use drive- through, delivery, or take-out options.
When seating customers, prioritize outdoor seating.
Change the layout of tables or chairs to make
sure parties are spaced at least 6 feet apart.
Consider installing barriers, such as sneeze guards or partitions, at cash
registers, host stands, or where staying at least 6 feet apart may be difficult.
Avoid large gatherings and discourage crowded waiting areas by using
a phone app or text to let parties know when their table is ready.
Rotate or stagger staff shifts and break times to limit
the numbers of employees working at the same time.
Remind staff to stay at least 6 feet away from
each other and customers as much as possible.
Post signs and posters to promote healthy hygiene habits among staff.
Include messages about healthy hygiene when communicating with vendors and
customers, such as in emails, on business websites, and on social media accounts.
For more information and tips to consider, check out the link on the screen:
https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/ organizations/business-employers/bars-restaurants.html